The next article in our series on Rethinking Technology, Creativity and Learning for the 21st Century just came out. Written with Liz Boltz, Punya Mishra and the Deep-Play Research Group, this article focuses on the creative skill of empathy. Empathizing as we write in the article is the ability to identify with and understand the feelings and experiences of another, or to imagine what it would be like to view the world from another’s perspective. In particular we focus on the affordances of videogames for fostering empathy. To illustrate these affordances in greater detail, we explore two different games and discuss the ways that these games can expand or alter empathetic thinking skills for leaners. Complete reference and link to the article below.
Boltz, L. O., Henriksen, D., Mishra, P., & the Deep-Play Research Group (2015). Empathy through gaming—Perspective taking in a complex world. TechTrends (59) , p. 3-8.
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